L’Eurovision nouvelle cible du négationnisme turc

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Depuis quelques jours des plaintes arrivent aux websites non officiels consacrés à l’Eurovision « oikotimes.com », « esctoday.com » et « escsweden.com » au sujet du website turc dédié également à cette compétition « eurovision-turkey.com ».

L’origine des plaintes est la présence sur le site internet turc d’une campagne anti-arménienne clairement négationniste.

Dans un communiqué l’ensemble des autres sites ont condamné cette pratique. « Ces idées et ce contenu ne sont pas approuvés par nos websites c’est pourquoi que nous avons demandé à son webmaster (eurovision-turkey.com ) de retirer la colonne ». Mais devant le refus turc « nous avons été forcés d’arrêter actuellement ce service. Oikotimes.com a également informé ses associés au sujet de la teneur de ce website et également l’équipe de TRT ( télévision turque) et de Sibel Tuzun ( candidate turque). Attendant quelques réponses officielles, nous demandons à nos associés et amis de condamner le comportement inacceptable de ce website ».

L’équipe de « oikotimes.com » indique également que « eurovision-turkey.com » reproduit « également le contenu de notre website illégalement » et que « par conséquent oikotimes.com mènera des actions judiciaires contre le webmaster du website et son équipe ».

L’équipe de « oikotimes.com » conclut « nous condamnons leur réaction et nous n’approuverons jamais des conflits politiques dans nos websites. Nous demandons votre appui. Les email reçus seront édités ».

Vous trouverez ci-joint les premières réactions ( en anglais) :

Reaction by a reader

The abuse that we have entailed from centuries of hatred by the Turks is revealing itself again in this competition. Even the country profile continues their ideological stance on the Armenian Genocide. I am dissapointed that Eurovision falls into the propaganda by stating such things as « Armenians claim » and « hundreds of thousands massacred. » Leading parliaments, Holocaust scholars, thousands of history book affirm that the Armenian Genocide was the first genocidal attempt of race extermination which killed 1.5 million Armenians in death camps. It’s sad that Eurovision bows down to Turkish bullying and distorts or downplays the history by carefully terming the events. Would you question the Holocaust of the Jews? I realize that the info. is from BBC, but Uk is among the countries that have military cooperations with Turkey and continually downplay the Genocide. Why could you not take your info. from the dozens of countries including the EU that officially recognize the Genocide? Now the endless envy and abuse by Azeris and Turks is continually experienced in this competition. They outrightly HATE Armenians. This is sytematic racism and you know it. This competition is becoming so frustrating. I feel so hurt everytime I check in for news. There is nothing worst than to feel the haunting effects of genocide and racism. Enough!

Eurojoint (Israel, Netherlands, Greece)

In the last couple of days members of the « EuroJoint » alliance received complains on political statements and links appearing on fan website eurovision-turkey.com. The content of the statement and link under the title « Armenian terror » linked to web sides dealing with issues that are far from the true spirit of the Eurovision Song Contest, and far from what members of « EuroJoint » see as fit with ESC coverage standards. Members of the « EuroJoint » alliance condemn any use of politics in such a un ethical way. We call upon  » eurovision-turkey.com » to remove all political contents from its web site, and bring back the Armenian flag and country name, as an equal participant in the Eurovision Song Contest. We are here to be united, at least for one week in a year, as we believe and do in our « EuroJoint » alliance. During Eurovision week in Athens the « big 3 alliance » – Oikotimes (Greece) – EurovIL ( Israel) – Esctoday (Netherlands), will bring you the biggest and widest and objective ESC coverage ever.

Escsweden.com cut the ties with turkish esc website

One of the leading Eurovision Song Contests sites in Turkey has mixed politics with Eurovision in an unacceptable way. Thats why Escsweden.com now stops the partnership we joined with eurovision-turkey.com in 2004. On their frontpage they have a political column of Armenian Terror in wich they denies the genocide of armenians back in 1915 and continuing afend an another participating country in Eurovision Song Contest. We together with our other partners oikotimes.com and esctoday.com kindly asked eurovision-turkey.com to withdraw it’s political column on their website but sad to say with no result at all. So if they want to go on with this they can but without support from escsweden.com in the future. Now we’re searching for another turkish eurovision website that not involves politics in our belowed Eurovision, a site we can exchange music related news with and nothing else. It has also come to our knowledge that eurovision-turkey.com in their forum let visitors launched an unprecedented « war » against our partner oikotimes.com. This is a childish and absurd way of behaviour and doesen’t belong in a democracy and certainly not in Eurovision Song Contest. Escsweden.con condemns this and fully supports oikotimes.com.

Eurovision Croatia

This is really unacceptable behavior. They mix politic with music and in that way destroy good relationship between not only Turks and Armenians, and also between Turks and other people. So much hate between them… Because of that Eurovision-Croatia cut all the ties with turkish esc website in hope that they will think about that and remove that column. Also, we support our partner oikotimes.com in « war » what is started by eurovision-turkey.com.

Author: raffi

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