Pontiff of all Armenians welcomed in the cathedral of the Holy mother of God in Istanbul

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On the evening of June 22, having concluded the Fraternal Visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate and His All Holiness Bartholomew I, the Catholicos of All Armenians officially began the Pontifical Visit to the Armenian Patriarchate and the Armenian community of Istanbul.

His Holiness and the pontifical entourage visited the Mother Cathedral of St. Astvatsatsin (Holy Mother of God) in Kumkapi, Istanbul, and were greeted by a « Hrashapar » service welcoming the Pontiff. In attendance were high-ranking clergy of the Armenian Patriarchate, representatives of Sister Churches, Mr. Karen Mirzoyan (Representative of the Republic of Armenia in Turkey), and countless Armenian faithful, many who had come to see the Catholicos of All Armenians for the first time.

Following the traditional service of greeting a hierarch, His Beatitude Archbishop Mesrob Mutafian, Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople, warmly greeted the Catholicos of All Armenians and welcomed him to Istanbul on behalf of the Armenian Patriarchate, the clergy and faithful. His Beatitude then invited His Holiness to offer his words of blessing to the assembled.

His Holiness addressed his message of blessing and love, stating in part, « …We are with you now with our prayers of thanksgiving and praise. At this historic and emotional moment, we turn our gaze to heaven with the prayer of our holy forefathers: ‘King of Peace, Our Lord Jesus Christ, keep and protect Your people under Your holy and revered Cross in peace’.

Surp_Kevork_Church_in_Istanbu l_June_23_2006
Surp_Kevork_Church_in_Istanbu l_June_23_2006

« This cherished prayer has resounded throughout the halls of this sanctuary for centuries as well. It has been uttered from the lips of many courageous and glorious clergymen, who became martyrs of the faith; the good shepherds who devoted their lives to God for the flock entrusted to them, and with the life-giving light of faith, led them to creativity, loyalty and fidelity. Five Patriarchs of Constantinople, by the will of God and the nation, were called to become Catholicos of All Armenians – the first servant of our Holy Church. Only after kneeling down before this Holy Altar and asking for the intercession of the Holy Mother of God on behalf of the Armenian nation, did they depart to sit on the Throne of the Illuminator.

In difficult times, our luminous and brave-hearted Pontiffs protected our people and kept them gathered around Holy Etchmiadzin with the hope and belief in salvation. And now from the Throne of the Illuminator – the holy cradle of our faith – Holy Etchmiadzin, we have come to see you, our dearly beloved sons and daughters, to extend our blessings and love to you all. We have come so that Pontiff and flock can be united once again with the same oath of our holy fathers, and unite our prayers to their appeals for the peace of mankind and for keeping all Armenians dispersed throughout the world reinforced in faith and unified.

« …For six hundred years, the churches of the Armenian Patriarchate kept the belief in Christ and hope of salvation alive and vibrant in the souls of our people. For six hundred years, our mother tongue was proclaimed undefiled in our schools, where our national traditions transformed into the spirit of our people. Connected with the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople are the brightest achievements of our culture – in literature, art, music and architecture…

« It is with these emotions that we have come to visit you, to see our ancient, incense-filled churches, which remain vibrant through your presence. We came to see our educational and cultural institutions, which continue to remain alight through your vigilant efforts. We came to bless your lives, to encourage your devoted spirits, your resolute will and selfless allegiance, through which you are firmly standing on the foundation-stone established by Saint Gregory our Illuminator, keeping the light of Holy Etchmiadzin sparkling in your souls, which has always shined and glowed in the monasteries and churches of the Patriarchate.

« We have brought the boundless yearning and love of the Mother See of All Armenians to you, dear faithful, and greetings from your brothers and sisters in Armenia, Artsakh and the Dispersion, who are always with you in their warmest of prayers. We have also brought the optimism of the reborn new life of our homeland, and our people’s hopes for strengthening our unified spiritual and cultural life.

Our Church is strong and alive with all of her children, and steadfast in the path of her mission, which is the same yesterday, today and always – to lead the small flock of the Armenians toward the life-giving and saving light of faith, toward God Who makes peace and creates beneficence. Let us stay loyal to the Holy Gospel of our Lord, loyal to our Holy Church, and loyal to our inherited appeal for peace. »

In his remarks, His Holiness also offered prayers to heaven, asking for God to grant rest to the souls of the Armenian Patriarchs of Constantinople of blessed memory, as well as long years of health and fruitful reign to His Beatitude Archbishop Mesrob Mutafian.

At the conclusion of the service, the special Pontifical Encyclical of the Catholicos of All Armenians was read, wherein His Grace Bishop Aram Ateshian, a member of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, was elevated to the rank of « Archbishop » by His Holiness Karekin II. Archbishop Ateshian was commended by the Pontiff of All Armenians for his devotion and efforts as Chairman of the Religious Council and Sacristan of the Armenian Patriarchate.

Author: raffi

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