Revue de la presse azerbaïdjanaise du 10 octobre 2018

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Politique étrangère – John Bolton, conseiller à la sécurité nationale des États-Unis, se rendra prochainement en Arménie et Azerbaïdjan. – “I. Aliyev meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State. The sides expressed satisfaction with the successful development of American-Azerbaijani relations in various fields. During the conversation, issues of security were touched upon, a high assessment was given to the contribution of Azerbaijan to the peacekeeping operation in Afghanistan and support to the government of that country. Issues related to the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, successful cooperation in the energy field were also discussed at the meeting, and US support for the Southern Gas Corridor were highlighted. In addition, there was an exchange of views on the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the non-oil sector, including trade, ICT, investment, agriculture”.

AzerPress – “Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament met Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran Ali Larijani on the sidelines of the third meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries` Parliaments in Antalya, Turkey. Ogtay Asadov noted that the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway creates great prospects for the North-South Corridor”.

Azertaj, Trend, – Une délégation azerbaïdjanaise conduite par le président du Milli Mejlis, Ogtay Assadov a participé à une réunion des pays membres de l’Assemblée parlementaire des pays turcophones (TurkPA) qui s’est tenue en Turquie. « Ogtay Asadov : Azerbaijan playing leading role in restoring, expanding Silk Road ».

Trend – “Russian, Azerbaijani parliaments creating high level commission”. – “A group of Azerbaijani peacekeepers sent to Afghanistan in the frame work of the NATO-led « Resolute Support » mission”. – L’Azerbaïdjan a accordé une aide financière de 200.000 dollars à l’Office de secours et de travaux des Nations unies pour les réfugiés de Palestine dans le Proche-Orient (UNRWA).

Haut-Karabagh Lors de sa dernière réunion avec des journalistes à Erevan, l’Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en Arménie Richard Mills a déclaré : « The statement of the U.S. President Donald Trump sent to Armenia on Independence Day and to Azerbaijan in May does not contain any secret or hidden message on Karabakh ». – « Turkish MPs : OSCE MG does not take concrete measures to resolve Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ». – Lors de la séance de la session d’automne de l’APCE, le ministre marocain des Affaires étrangères a déclaré que l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Arménie devrait résoudre pacifiquement le conflit du Haut-Karabagh.

Politique intérieure

Trend, – Lors d’une réunion consacrée au bilan du développement socio-économique, le Président Aliyev a déclaré que les relations avec les pays musulmans constituaient la priorité de la politique étrangère du pays. Concernant le conflit du Haut-Karabagh, le Chef de l’Etat a indiqué que les négociations ne devraient se poursuivre qu’entre l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Arménie., Il a ajouté que l’Azerbaïdjan allait continuer à moderniser ses armements dont une partie a été montrée lors du défilé militaire. Il a indiqué que l’Azerbaïdjan n’achèterait que les armes les plus modernes et que le nombre de pays souhaitant vendre des armes à l’Azerbaïdjan augmente.


Trend – “Airbus Vice-President for Eurasia Silvere Delaunay : Airbus has developed important relationships with Azercosmos. Airbus would like to become part of the Azerbaijan’s space industry as a long term partner for the future by supporting space projects such as telecommunication satellites and intelligence satellite projects”.

Trend – “George Kent : Azerbaijan playing important role in diversifying energy sources”. Le ministre de l’Energie Parviz Shahbazov a reçu le 9 octobre George Kent, sous-secrétaire d’Etat adjoint américain pour l’Europe et l’Eurasie.

Trend – “Azerbaijan and Germany have established versatile cooperation in the field of energy and there are all opportunities to expand this cooperation”, the Deputy Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan Natig Abbasov said during the German-Azerbaijani Business Forum on Energy and ICT.

Trend – “Azerbaijan hopes to get another loan for Southern Gas Corridor”.

Trend – “Azerbaijan’s Taxes Minister Mikayil Jabbarov : In order to support the development of entrepreneurship, proposals have been prepared for reducing the simplified tax rate, providing temporary tax benefits in the retail sector and for the development of non-cash payments, exempting from taxes dividends of small entrepreneurs who keep revenues and expenses records”.

Azernews – “Azerbaijan is switching over to a new model of e-government operating on the « one-stop shop » model”.

Trend – “IBM to help Azerbaijan in digital transformation of economy”.

Trend – “Microsoft opens test center for Azerbaijani students”.

Turan – “In January-August 2018, non-oil products were exported from Azerbaijan for 1.94 billion dollars, which is 14% more than in the same period of 2017 (more than 131 million dollars), the Customs Committee reported in the magazine « Export Review ». The largest volume of goods of the non-oil group was sent to Russia – $ 375 million (an increase of 11%), Turkey is in second place – 249.8 million (20%), then Switzerland – 92 million (10%), Georgia – 88, 5 million (2.6%), and China – 32 million US dollars (an increase of 75%)”. – “AZAL, Hungaro Control to cooperate in air traffic management”. – “Azerbaijani President Orders Government to Fight Shadow Economy”. – Le cours du dollar se maintient à 1.7 manats. Celui de l’euro remonte à 1,9561 manats.

Culture – Le Festival du Film Européen commence le 10 octobre et durera jusqu’au 21 octobre.


AzerPress – “France´s consultants and software solution providers Beicip Franlab will help Uzbekneftegaz create a national petroleum database acting as an independent contractor with the scope also due to include specialist training and advice on commercialization of the database”, the Uzbek company says.

Ambassade de France à Bakou

Author: Stéphane

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